What's the difference between a video and a virtual tour?
The biggest distinction is that a virtual tour is comprised of still shots. And since the shots have already been taken, the cost is lower that adding a video service to the mix.
Although real estate marketing trends are moving in the direction of video and 3D tours, I still get a number of requests for virtual tours. And although I'm biased, I think we do a great job with them.
First, we start with high quality pictures. We also have a tour service that provides an almost unlimited number of custom options for your tour.
We can add your professional floor plan and make it interactive, and mark where a buyer would stand in the home as they view each picture. We can also create a video of a tour for your YouTube channel, support your Matterport or other 3D experiences, add custom (and legally licensed) music, and many more options.
If you purchase a tour with us, we'll put it together for you for one low cost. You get unlimited hosting, access to stats, and a branded and unbranded version of the tour.
Interested? Here's a link to a virtual tour with an interactive floor plan.